Founder Jim Luce

Jim Luce. Former banker Jim Luce is an organizer, philanthropist, international development specialist, writer and publisher. He founded the United Nations-affiliated Orphans International Worldwide in 1999.

Wall Street

Luce began his career as an Assistant Eurobond Portfolio Manager with Daiwa Bank on Wall Street upon his return from studying at Waseda University in Tokyo in 1983 at the age of 23. He was the first Japanese-speaking American manager hired by the New York branch of Daiwa Bank.

Congressional Recognition

Luce left the financial world for the second time after the 2004 Tsunami. For his work with orphans, Luce was awarded the Certificate of U.S. Congressional Recognition that year. Luce was anointed the “Tsunami Saint” by the New York Post for his work with orphans in Indonesia in 2005. He was recognized again by Congress in 2007. He has occasionally faced danger in the field (BBC) and has since raised over $1 million for orphaned children in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Writer & Publisher

In 2008 he began to write about his work for the Huffington Post and Daily Kos, in two columns on “Thought Leaders and Global Citizens.” At his 50th birthday party in 2009 he announced the launch of the Jim Luce Stewardship Report revolving around the universal theme “Connecting Goodness.”


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